
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research: Similarities and Differences

There are two ways of gathering and analyzing data. There is the quantitative approach and the qualitative approach. Qualitative research and analysis usually involve the use of statistics and numbers. On the other hand, a quantitative research approach involves using words to express ideas, thoughts, or concepts. Many students attempt to carry out quantitative research […]

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What Are Some Good Topics in Psychology to Use for Your Research

Do you need an exciting topic suggestion for your paper on psychology? Sometimes it’s more work coming up with that excellent paper title than the actual writing and research process. Luckily, there are many fantastic sources to gain topic inspiration; you have to look hard enough. This article explores several excellent psychology research paper ideas […]

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Guide on How to Write a Research Paper Without Plagiarizing

When writing a research paper, there are numerous challenges. The main challenges usually emanate from gathering existing literature and providing proof that will strengthen the authenticity of your paper. In doing this, one will surely highlight and get ideas from previously established theories and values to lend credence to the paper. However, this must be […]

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50 Impressive Human Rights Research Topics for Students

Looking for an impressive human rights research paper topic for students? Then this article is for you. Writing on a topic that allows you to talk passionately about pressing issues and emerging trends is always a good way to educate people. Even if you are not affiliated with the human rights niche, you should be […]

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