• Earn online from blogs or websites
Making money from blogs or websites is in fact the most popular way of earning an online income. However it depends on many factors including the quality of the content, the number of visitors and the way of monetization.
Regarding the last part, there are so many ways to monetize any blog or website online, but here I will mention only the most popular and effective ways to do that.
1) CPC advertising networks:
CPC ( Cost Per Click ) networks are the most popular way to monetize any website. Basically all you need is to sign up with a CPC network such as "BidVertiser" and then paste a piece of code on your website. The network is going show ads related to your content and you will earn money every time those ads get clicked by a visitor.
2) CPM advertising networks:
CPM ( Cost Per Impression ) networks are also a popular way for monetizing websites especially those with high page views. In CPM networks you get paid for how many times the ads appeared on your website even if they did get clicked by anyone.
3) In-line text advertising networks:
These networks usually work by placing links just inside your text, and these links appear underlined to make them different from normal links. Once a visitor hovers the mouse on these links the ads will popup, and you will earn money only if the visitor clicked on that displayed ads.
4) Direct banner or text advertising:
Here you can directly sell your own advertising space for banners or text links on your website, by offering that to your visitors directly or by
using specialized networks that can help you to find interested
advertisers, like "
" and "Link Worth" networks.
5) Affiliate marketing networks:
Affiliate marketing is a popular and effective way of advertising on the Internet. Here you earn commissions from companies or business owners by referring people to their products or services. This type of advertising is also called cost per action (CPA) or cost per lead (CPD).
For more detailed information about making money from websites and blogs, you can download this free eBook.