Understanding the role and concepts of Micro-Evolution and Macro-Evolution against the backdrop of the creationist controversy and in relation to the mission of the site might be of interest to some visitors.
Here is an overview of the evolutionary process that we found to be very interesting and insightful. It outlines the forces and mechanics involved in gene selection as nature operates, and provides an interesting springboard for speculation.
Fossil records provide the only hard evidence of our evolutionary history. Here the fossil finds are described in chronological order.
The theory of Panspermia suggests life originated extraterrestrially.
The theory of Intelligent Design proposes that the universe was created by an intelligence and then evolved according to design.
Here is a reader-submitted article on creationism from the Islamic perspective that also examines and challenges some of the foundations of the theory of evolution. Presented in the spirit of controversy.
An article discussing the various schools of thought with regard to the Christian beliefs on creationism.
Here's a brief discussion of how one's particular view of our history or origins may affect or constrain the range of possibilities considered for our evolutionary future. We present an outline at this time and would like to hear from you on this subject.